You’ve no doubt heard various statistics about video content dominating the Internet, and most major hospitality brands now have creative video strategies in place, but as 360 technology hits the mainstream, your promotional efforts will need to step up a gear to catch the eye.

The beauty of 360-degree video is that it allows viewers to immerse themselves in the world depicted on screen, spinning around and taking in the action as if they’re really there, creating unique experiences that resonate like never before.

Recent advances have empowered this form of virtual reality to become all the more real, as Facebook, YouTube and Vimeo now allow mobile users to manipulate the viewpoint by simply tilting their devices in whichever direction they desire. Desktop users can also achieve the full panoramic feel by ‘clicking and dragging’ the screen to any angle.

A Google study from 2016 noted that 360 videos resulted in significantly higher click-throughs, shares and subscribes when compared to traditional videos, while YuMe research indicates that 360-degree video producers create more engaging experiences.

Source: Hurricane MediaSource: Hurricane Media
Source: Hurricane Media

Much has been said about virtual reality revolutionising the hospitality industry, and early adopters have had great reactions to their output. Here’s three hospitality brands that have already benefited from 360-degree video content. (Note that iOS software does not currently support YouTube 360 playback, so Safari users will have to switch to a different browser to enjoy the panoramic action.)


With their #360Feast, Carluccios invited diners to sample a real slice of Sicily, providing bespoke 360 glasses so customers could pretend they were on the sunny Italian island rather than the autumnal UK.

The clever use of 360 audio alerts users to a passing train, tempting them to turn and see the glorious sandy beach running alongside the track. The sound of a drink being poured then encourages viewers to turn attention back to the table and take in the relaxed al fresco atmosphere. Founder Antonio Carluccio then stands to raise a glass, and you can’t fail to smile.

This novel video experience was the perfect way to launch Carluccios’ new menu, and it garnered much attention from impressed reviewers:

This promotional video from Sage Hotel West Perth invites prospective visitors to look around local attractions, such as The Pinnacles and Swan Valley river, while also getting up close and personal with kangaroos at the zoo and learning about local produce at the market.

All of this before stepping into the hotel itself, allowing you to check out the stylish suites before deciding whether you want to check-in.

A fantastic attribute of 360-degree videos is the ‘try before you buy’ aspect, providing potential customers with a fantastic portal to get a feel for things, influencing purchase decisions in a truly innovative manner.

Not being able to gauge what hotel rooms are really like from pictures is a common issue that causes hesitation among would-be bookers, but 360-degree videos take guided tours to the next level.

Universal Studios

This thrilling video allows armchair enthusiasts to experience all the ‘ups and downs’ of Universal’s Rip Ride Rockit roller coaster without actually hopping aboard.

You really get that ‘butterflies in your tummy’ feeling as you look down over the edge upon reaching the summit, creating a video experience that moves you in more ways than one, giving you a taste of the sensation you’d feel in real life.

360-degree video is becoming increasingly essential to travel marketers, and with such engaging experiences on offer, it’s easy to see why it’s on the rise.

Jon Mowat
Hurricane Media