6 out of 10 Americans visit TripAdvisor before booking their hotel. And there are 70 new contributions to TripAdvisor every 60 seconds. 54% of travelers won't book if the hotel doesn't have any TripAdvisor reviews and 98% of travelers find TripAdvisor hotel reviews to be accurate of their hotel experience. All that to say, TripAdvisor is a big deal.

You know TripAdvisor is essential to your marketing plan however, did you know that for every 1% a hotel increases their online reputation, they increase their REVPAR by 1.4%? It's true! According to Cornell University's Center for Hospitality Research, improving your TripAdvisor rating by 1 point does two things for your hotel. First, it increases your odds of being selected by 14%. Second, it allows you to increase your price by 11.2%, and keep the same market share.

So what drives TripAdvisor ranking? Hotels can improve their TripAdvisor rating by focusing on a combination of three things; review quantity, quality, and recency. Don't get buried in the rankings! Use these tips to get more out of TripAdvisor.

First, fill out your whole TripAdvisor profile including photos, website, phone number, and maybe even add a deal! Properties with 30 or more photos have 41% more engagement than hotels with 10 or fewer photos.

Second, respond to your reviews! Always respond to negative TripAdvisor reviews and sometimes respond to positive ones. Respond to Trip Advisor reviews every 3-4 reviews so you are always visible. 84% of travelers agree that appropriate management responses to bad reviews, "Improves my impression of the hotel." And keep it positive. 64% of respondents agree that an aggressive or defensive management response "makes me less likely to book that hotel."

Make sure to add a video to your TripAdvisor profile. Adding at least one video to your TripAdvisor profile increase your engagement by 34%! That was easy.

Last but certainly not least is the gold mine for improving your TripAdvisor rating; newer positive reviews. Develop a strategy combining eloquently using your staff to solicit reviews and using new technology for interacting with guests to your advantage. The more recent and higher quantity of positive reviews, the higher you will rise!