In times gone by it was much easier for hotels. If a guest has a bad experience, they might tell their family and a few friends, but that is all. The internet changed all of this and now if a guest has a bad experience in a hotel, they will very often post a review about it online, that will be available for all future customers to read.

85% of travellers read up to 10 online reviews. If the reviews aren't good, there is very little chance that the person will visit your hotel. Hotels can't cut corners anymore because their online ratings will suffer as a result.

Hotels need to accept that online reviews are part and parcel of the business and deal with it accordingly. One area of massive importance is responding to reviews and 68% say that they would choose a hotel with management responses over a competitor without. With negative reviews it's important to keep your composure, and not let your frustration get the better of you. if customers see a hotel responding to negative reviews in a calm way, it lessens the impact of a bad review.

You can find out more how hotels should respond to online reviews in this info-graphic from Nerval.

How online reviews have changed the hotel industry— Source: NervalHow online reviews have changed the hotel industry— Source: Nerval
How online reviews have changed the hotel industry— Source: Nerval

Mario Skrzypczak
Nerval Corporation