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With online reviews having a significant impact on hotel rates and occupancy, Guestline have partnered with GuestRevu to provide hoteliers with an automated guest feedback and online reputation management solution.

The seamless integration between Guestline's cloud hosted property management system, Rezlynx and the GuestRevu tool will enable hoteliers to harness the revenue opportunities that can be gained from having a higher number of quality reviews on a regular basis which in turn boosts their review score on TripAdvisor.

With the interface, hotel guests automatically receive a customised email after checking out, encouraging them to send feedback to the hotel as well as enabling them to post reviews directly to TripAdvisor. The properties can see all the comments, but only the TripAdvisor reviews are made public, providing the hotel with valuable feedback to help them make the necessary operational improvements and provide the best possible guest experience.

With the average response rate from GuestRevu emails being 24%, the interface is already delivering impressive results amongst Guestline customers. The Coaching Inn Group saw a 300% increase in the number of reviews collected in just 3 months of using the GuestRevu solution. The reviews driven by the integration contributed to nearly 60% of the total reviews published, and the average rating of the reviews driven by the integration was 0.23 higher. While the rankings of the pilot properties were already strong, the quantity, quality and frequency of their reviews translated into an improvement in their overall ranking.

Kevin Charity, CEO Coaching Inn Group, says 'I was unsure of the extra cost to start, but once we saw the clear information provided and the amount of responses we were getting, then to roll it out [to the rest of the group] was a simple decision'.

'We are delighted to have the opportunity to work with Guestline. Our partnership will give Guestline clients access to world-class guest feedback technology, which will assist them in making more informed operational decisions and help them to effectively manage their online reputations,' says GuestRevu's Director of Sales and Marketing Francine Heywood.

'While the explosive growth of online reviews continues to transform the market, hoteliers need technologies to help them stay competitive. Our integration with Guestline provides just the tool needed to leverage this - an automated solution to help hoteliers leverage their guest reviews (both direct and online) and recapture commissions lost to online travel agents.'

Rupert Gutteridge, Sales and Marketing Director at Guestline, added, 'By using the intuitive software, the potential boost in revenue is impressive. For example, research by Cornell University highlighted that if a hotel increases its review scores by 1 point on a 5-point scale (e.g., from 3.3 to 4.3), the hotel can increase its price by 11.2 percent and still maintain the same occupancy or market share. The increase in revenue is not the only benefit - the hotel will also be able to monitor their competition and feedback is tailored to how their business works so the hotel can improve specific areas.'

Source: GuestlineSource: Guestline
Source: Guestline

GuestRevu, founded in 2012, is only one of three TripAdvisor Platinum Review Collection Partners in the world and across the hospitality industry. With 93% of travellers worldwide stating that online reviews have an impact on their booking decisions, the new integration allows the hotelier to take control of influencing that decision.

Contact a member of the Guestline team today for more information on the Guestline and GuestRevu interface here.

About Guestline

Guestline (an Access Company) provides the hospitality industry with innovative property management, guest engagement, payment and distribution software.

Since 2003, Guestline's cloud-based solutions equip any sized hotel or group with everything to successfully run the business and generate more revenue - from intuitive PMS and booking software to fully unified channel management and payment solutions.

Guestline's feature-rich portfolio includes PMS, CRS, Conference & Banqueting, Channel Manager, EPoS, Internet Booking Engine, GuestPay Payments and GuestStay Guest Experience. With over 500 integrations, Guestline offers its 3,000 clients a flexible, cost-effective, multi-functional system that allows them to stand out in an increasingly competitive marketplace.

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Marketing & Communications Manager
01743 282300

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