Alexandra Marinova

B.Sc. in International Hospitality Management, graduated from EHL


Alexandra Marinova, B.Sc. in International Hospitality Management, graduated from EHL in July 2019. She is interested in the areas of Organizational Behavior and Marketing and during her last year of studies worked on a thesis which combines both. Her thesis, conducted under the supervision of Assistant Professor Stéphanie Pougnet, PhD, was focused on Employer Branding and its contribution to the attraction of young graduates (Millennials) to their ideal employer. Limited recent research could be found on this subject and to fill this gap, Alexandra conducted a survey with 525 graduating students from four Swiss hotel management schools, achieving a 40% response rate. The survey analysis allowed her to draw conclusions with practical implications for the employers interested in attracting young hotel school graduates.

Route de Bern 301
Lausanne, 1000
Phone: 41 21 785 1111

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