Margaret Steiner

Head of Business Development & Communications at Mandaworks


Margaret Steiner is an architect, conceptual thinker and project communication strategist passionate about urban placemaking and adaptive reuse solutions. She believes that creating sustainable value requires re-thinking mainstreams – changing behaviour in the present to change the future. Her portfolio of projects range in scale from concept ideation for master planning and urban regeneration to smaller experiential environments. Recently, along with collaborative partners, Margaret has been conducting research on the shift towards circularity for a conscious transformation of hospitality environments. Based in Stockholm, she holds the role of Head of Business Development & Communications at MANDAWORKS a progressive and contemporary design studio engaged in the fields of architecture, landscape architecture, urban design and comprehensive planning. research on the shift towards circularity for a conscious transformation of hospitality environments.

Åsögatan 121 (5.floor)
Stockholm, 116 24
Phone: +46 736 741 440

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