The MOF is the industry's leading strategic travel forecast conference combining industry networking and

quality educational programs into a premier event.

MOF will:

  • Equip senior management responsible for strategy and marketing with data, insights, and tools that
    inform and drive smart marketing and business decisions and current marketing and long-term strategic

  • Provide an opportunity for marketers and researchers to share the same platforms for
    discussion/learning/strategy development and decisions;

  • Provide opportunity for industry executives to learn from their peers and industry experts, identify
    industry opportunities and explore cooperative solutions to industry challenges;

  • Provide opportunity for consultants/vendors to promote products and services and engage directly with
    end-users in support of marketing goals and strategies;

  • Provide opportunity for academics to keep current with travel and tourism trends, and interact with
    travel and tourism executives.

This event is organized by The Travel and Tourism Research Association (TTRA)

For more information please contact Patricia Thacler