Monthly online Travel Report from Hitwise, an online measurement company, that takes a look at the recent activity among Travel websites. The report provides Hitwise data on: Website Ranks showing the Top 20 sites for the month of July 2006 based on visits; Weekly Market Share of Visits Chart showing the percentage of traffic to the Travel industry online; Industry Search Terms listing the most popular terms typed into a search engine over the 4 weeks ending 08/05/2006, that resulted in traffic to websites classified by Hitwise within the 'Travel' industry; Fast Movers indicating sites which have witnessed substantial increases in rank in the 'Travel' online industry.

Monthly online Travel Report from Hitwise, an online measurement company, that takes a look at the recent activity among Travel websites. The report provides Hitwise data on: Website Ranks showing the Top 20 sites for the month of July 2006 based on visits; Weekly Market Share of Visits Chart showing the percentage of traffic to the Travel industry online; Industry Search Terms listing the most popular terms typed into a search engine over the 4 weeks ending 08/05/2006, that resulted in traffic to websites classified by Hitwise within the 'Travel' industry; Fast Movers indicating sites which have witnessed substantial increases in rank in the 'Travel' online industry.

Matt Tatham
Manager, Media Relations