Traffic Distribution Analysis: 37.18% of all visits to the online 'Travel' industry went to the top 10 websites for the month of January, 2009. 46.24% went to the top 20 websites and 67.63% went to the top 100 websites. Visit Duration Analysis: The average visit duration for visits to the online 'Travel' industry was 9 minutes, 21 seconds for the month of January, 2009. This is a minimal increase from last months average visit duration of 8 minutes, 49 seconds. Sites That Entered and Left the Top 100: The monthly churn in the Top 100 in the 'Travel' industry for the month of January, 2009 based on visits was 14.0%, which means that 14 websites in this industry's Top 100 rankings have changed since December, 2008.

Traffic Distribution Analysis: 37.18% of all visits to the online 'Travel' industry went to the top 10 websites for the month of January, 2009. 46.24% went to the top 20 websites and 67.63% went to the top 100 websites. Visit Duration Analysis: The average visit duration for visits to the online 'Travel' industry was 9 minutes, 21 seconds for the month of January, 2009. This is a minimal increase from last months average visit duration of 8 minutes, 49 seconds. Sites That Entered and Left the Top 100: The monthly churn in the Top 100 in the 'Travel' industry for the month of January, 2009 based on visits was 14.0%, which means that 14 websites in this industry's Top 100 rankings have changed since December, 2008.