Traffic Distribution Analysis

38.82% of all visits to the online 'Travel' industry went to the top 10 websites for the month of July, 2009. 47.81% went to the top 20 websites and 69.57% went to the top 100 websites.

Visit Duration Analysis

The average visit duration for visits to the online 'Travel' industry was 8 minutes, 29 seconds for the month of July, 2009. This is a minimal decrease from last months average visit duration of 9 minutes, 12 seconds.

This monthly report provides Hitwise data on: (1) The websites That Entered and Left the Top 100 Travel Category websites - Top 20 websites for the past month based on visits - Most popular search terms typed into a search engine that resulted in traffic to websites classified by Hitwise within the Travel industry. (2) The Traffic Distribution Analysis of visits to the Travel category - The Visits Duration Analysis to the Travel Category - Fast Movers - indicating websites which have witnessed substantial increases in rank in the online Travel industry

Matt Tatham
Manager, Media Relations