If you have perfect cellular signal reception in every corner, room, and space in your hotel, you should stop reading this now. However, if you do have reception problems, this article is just the thing for you. RoamBoost by RoamingAround is an in-building cellular signal enhancement solution that will allow you and your guests to remain connected to the voice and data cellular networks that are important parts of how we operate in a modern society. So what do you need to know?

  • You're losing money

If you have poor or non-existent cellular signal reception in your hotel, you are losing money because your guests won't come back and your potential guests will choose other hotels that don't have reception problems. People do their research and the bad news is that unsatisfied guests share their poor experience with others instead of giving you feedback.

  • You're hurting your image and brand

Today, people want to stay connected wherever they go. Having good voice and data cellular reception for a hotel is now as important and as necessary as having a clean room with a comfortable bed. If you fail to deliver that to your customer, you are actively damaging your image and your overall brand.

RoamBoost …

  • Is a Distributed Antenna System (DAS) solution

With an exclusive technology that matches the needs of hotels, RoamBoost will keep your guests and hotel team connected to their cellular networks.

  • Is a Broadband solution

RoamBoost enhances cellular signals for all major cellular networks and will deliver a consistent and steady signal level for all of them throughout the deployment area.

  • Is scalable

A distinct feature of the RoamBoost DAS solution is its scalability; you can have cellular signal enhanced in a particular area of your hotel or the entire building depending on your needs.

  • Is economical

The RoamBoost solution will yield the perfect ROI for your hotel. Due to our exclusive technology and equipment, we are able to offer a price that is competitive and will yield excellent ROI for your hotel since you would not only retain your current guests but will attain new ones due to your great cellular reception levels on top of all the other amenities you have to offer.

  • Is going to save you time

The typical RoamBoost installation takes less than a week without any disturbance to the hotel's normal operations and the comfort of the guests. So before you know it, you will have perfect cellular reception and happy guests and staff.

If you are still reading, then you probably have a problem with cellular reception at your hotel. Think strategically, spend your money wisely, and make sure your guests get what they deserve. For more information on RoamBoost, visit www.roamboost.com.

Source: RoamingAroundSource: RoamingAround
Source: RoamingAround

About Ali Farahani Rad
Ali Farahani Rad is director of strategy and business development for RoamingAround, a mobile solutions company with a strong presence in the hospitality sector. Using innovative solutions and the latest technologies, RoamingAround creates the kind of differentiation for its clients that increases occupancy, generates new revenue channels, strengthens customer loyalty and positively impacts guest experience. For more information, please contact RoamingAround at (978) 777-8787 or email [email protected]. More information can also be found at www.RoamingAround.com.

Sarah Smith
(978) 777-8787