In December we published a simple, but somewhat depressing, stat about the state of hotel and resort Twitter

followers. Using each user’s last tweet date we found that only 44% had tweeted during the last month. But the question quickly arose, what about those who don’t tweet? How many of them are still listening? Here’s what we found.

The Goods

To find our answer we only looked at hotel and resort Twitter followers who had either never tweeted or hadn’t tweeted in the last 90 days. We decided to use “favorites” (Twitter’s “like” button) as our indicator of activity within this group, so we removed all users who had never used this feature and analyzed the rest by their last favorite date.

Interestingly, 31% of users who hadn’t tweeted in the last 90 days had favorited something during that time. About 14% had favorited something in the last 30 days. On the flip side, it appears that more than 2/3 of Twitter users in this group are, in fact, inactive.

What This Means

The short answer is, yes, there is a group of hotel Twitter followers who rarely or never tweet but do sign in to watch their timeline. They may not be contributing to the conversation, but they’re listening with at least some regularity.

But what does this do to the monthly active percentage? If we take the rest of the group we initially labeled as “inactive” and assume this same listen-only behavior applies to all of them, that raises the percentage of resort followers that user Twitter each month to 50.4%.

Read the full article at Ryan Solutions LLC