Content marketing is now a massive aspect of targeting the right audience online and engaging them. Upwards of 85% of all marketers now use this approach, which involves creating and sharing informative blog post, videos, infographics and other content.

If that's not a good enough reason to jump on the bandwagon, here are 3 other key reasons to do so:

1. Paid Advertising is on the Decline

Did you know between 70% and 80% of consumers ignore paid ads?

Traditional advertising is declining both online and offline as people become savvier to being directly sold to. Instead, consumers want to be genuinely informed about products and services and learn about the vision behind a brand. Social media has helped bridge this gap, but content marketing also plays a big role. The idea is to engage users without selling. The trust built is enough to convert them in to paying customers.

2. You Can't Rank Well Without It

Without content on your business website it is not going to rank well in the search engine results. This means potential customers won't be able to find you and you're throwing away sales. To solve this you should regularly produce blog posts and articles that focus on topics in your niche and include keywords you wish to rank for.

Uploading videos to YouTube is an even easier way to rank for your keywords, though you will need to encourage users to click through to your website.

3. It Creates Long-term Results

Unlike paid advertising which dries up as soon as you stop paying, content marketing can create long-term results. This is because it will rank organically in the search results and some of it will be 'evergreen,' meaning the information doesn't get dated.

Content Marketing: 55 Proven Ways to Help your Business [Infographic]— Photo by
Content Marketing: 55 Proven Ways to Help your Business [Infographic]— Photo by

Colin Cieloha
North American Territory Manager