I recently attended a lecture given by Elisa Backer of Ballarat University presenting on VFR (Visiting Friends and Relatives) travel as part of Victoria University of Wellington Tourism Futures Series. In Australia, this form of tourism makes up more than half of Australia’s domestic travel. VFR travel will become increasingly important based on forecasting of demographics. Research shows that the percentage of VFR single-person travel parties to be significantly greater than non-VFR single travel parties. Single females that live alone could represent 19% of UK households in 2030 (Yeoman, 2008), which could lead to a growing VFR market for single young females. Many people do not like to travel alone; as such VFR gives them a reason to travel. Changes in family’s structures and demography will facilitate the importance of VFR Travel in the future.

Too see the full lecture, click here

Elisa was recently interviewed by BBC Fast Track Travel on VFR Travel

For details about the future of tourism, see