Following up on my last post about 2014 hotel marketing plans and rejigging your perspective on mobile marketing. Today I follow up with some travel marketing statistics that might help you do this, though truthfully techies are still teasing out tablet vs. phone data. (For a more detailed explanation of why we're talking screens, see my last post about hotel marketing and screen time.)

An Expedia funded, Comscore-run travel report shows the following things hotels should consider for next year. I suggest you read the whole report, as there's a good bit of information about the kind of information travelers use during the planning phase.

  • Most travel traffic comes from PC (88%), followed by mobile (8%), and tablet (4%).
  • During planning, 26% use smartphones, 12% use tablets, and 6% use both (I think this last set will increase over the coming year).
  • Most mobile travel purchases are made in the evening.
  • 75% of travel planning occurs at home on a PC (followed by tablet then smartphone), On-the-Go travel planning occurs evenly on smartphones and tablets, and travel planning at work generally happens on PC.
  • Most online travel booking is done on a PC, but those who book on mobile devices are using apps to do so.

Another key takeaway from this report is that travelers are looking for ease of use and familiarity across platforms, so consider this as you roll out mobile sites and apps on various devices. Everything should look similarly and work similarly in order to keep users satisfied across all avenues—and perhaps increase bookings if they feel just as comfortable booking on your mobile site and app as they do on your main website.

For those with a business travel focus, it could pay to know this bit about business travelers and mobile devices from eMarketer:

  • 57 percent of business travelers in 2012 used a mobile device to book travel compared with 38 percent of leisure travelers.

Based on the Expedia report, it's probably fair to say that a lot of those bookings happened through apps. Most business travelers using mobile to book are doing so last minute, within 24 hours. Think about this when you're thinking about apps designs or smartphone/tablet specific promotions.

This mid 2013 travel data from Social Media Today:

  • Tablets are preferred for booking future travel, while smartphones are preferred for on-the-go.
  •  More than 40% of online traffic related to travel queries comes from mobile devices (both smartphones and tablets.)

When you're thinking about advertising or offers specifically for smartphones, here's a mobile travel statistic that's worth knowing:

  • In a study conducted by GuestCentric with over 300 hotels, a whopping 60% of smartphone bookings were for same night or next night stay.

Here are my initial takeaways:

  • Planning is happening across all devices, device just depends on time of day and location. It looks something like this: PCs during the day at work, smartphones during the day on the go, PCs and tablets in the evening.
  • Leisure booking is happening largely on PCs (in the evening), but planning is occurring across all platforms and across a number of days.
  • Business travelers are significantly more likely to be booking on a mobile device and at the last minute.
  • Research shows most travel bookings on mobile devices are happening on an app, but I'll just put out there that if hotels are careful to have few visual and functional differences between their main site, their mobile site, and their apps then users may be more likely to book on whatever medium is most convenient when they're ready to book. Something to think about! Grab them while you've got them.

In summary, perhaps we should view tablets as the mid-range between PCs and smartphones. They are mostly used at night, while smartphones are used all the time. They are mostly used for booking future travel, while smartphones are mostly used for on-the-go bookings. But they're both important and truthfully, as we move forward, a seamless experience across devices will likely be key to capturing bookings.

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