How to hire the right staff for your hotel brand — Photo by Magnuson Hotels

When it comes to choosing the right resources to ensure your hotel meets its full potential don't underestimate the power of your staff. As the face of your business, your employees will have a direct role in how your business is perceived and the number of customers that are leaving satisfied with your level of service.

From the top managers down to those working on your front desk, each employee hire should be viewed as a vital decision. Each person will be involved in the experience you deliver in some way. So, what are the areas that hoteliers should be looking out for when seeking new members of staff? We've got the steps you should be taking each time you have a position to fill.

Fully understand the role – Know exactly the type of work a person will be doing before you even draw up the shortlist and the skills and traits you want them to possess. Someone might seem highly qualified but if they're lacking the people skills they're not going to be suited to customer facing roles.

Assess personality – Hard skills matter in all business settings but soft skills matter too and they're often underestimated. Every hotelier will have traits they want their staff to possess, such as being empathetic and having a team mentality. Make sure you don't overlook these core areas during the hiring process.

Think about how they'll fit in – Even when someone seems to be perfect for the role, you need to assess how they'll fit into your existing team. You want your employees to work well together even in times of crisis. For this reason, you need to think about how they'll fit in to the overall dynamic you already have.

Of course, you need to assess multiple other areas too but with these three aspects in mind, you can pick the best candidates out of the applicants to represent your brand.

Alysha Smith
VP of Operations & Development
Magnuson Hotels