Her vacation had been a disaster so far, the guest explained. Worse, when she tried to buy amoxicillin to knock out her bronchitis, the pharmacist told her she needed a prescription. This was obviously a scam to line the pockets of American doctors, the guest added. She didn’t need my services except to provide the amoxicillin, so I should not take up her time.

This monologue occurred in Spanish. I don’t speak Spanish, but I’ve seen thousands of Latin American travelers, so I get the drift of most conversations.

This lady appeared upset as soon as she answered the door. Apparently accustomed to this behavior, her husband and a child sat in a corner, trying to look inconspicuous. I don’t deny antibiotics to guests who seem threatening, but first I had to deliver good medical care. I phoned the travel insurance office, and the dispatcher agreed to interpret.

I asked the usual questions; she answered at great length. The dispatcher translated but summarized her interruptions with: “she’s mad about something.”

The guest rolled her eyes when I put a thermometer into her mouth and seemed impatient during my exam. When I concluded that she would recover in a few days with or without an antibiotic but that I would give her amoxicillin, she slammed down the phone and waved off my prescription.

“If you don’t think I need an antibiotic then I don’t want an antibiotic. According to you I should continue to suffer. Thank you very much!….” I’m not certain those were her exact words, but they were close.

I laid the prescription on the bed. The door slammed behind me.

Mike Oppenheim