Artificial intelligence is rapidly moving from the laboratory and into business and consumer applications. The result is a fundamental shift in how software is built, and what it's capable of doing. And while we're still a way off from the artificial general intelligence portrayed in the movies, artificial narrow intelligence is a reality that's already powering some of the most successful technology businesses today, including Amazon, Facebook, Google and Apple.

So… Which areas of the hospitality industry are and will be most suited to implement AI and why? What's your take?

Michael Schubach
Michael Schubach
Vice President of Product Management for Infor Hospitality

It may be time to stop asking where we “could or should” be adopting Artificial Intelligence. 'Should' is off the table because AI technology is becoming so pervasive and meaningful that we can't afford to ignore its capabilities. Chat-bots are an excellent example of what deep-learning applications can do; humans will soon stop asking other humans for information or assistance just as we've stopped asking for driving directions.

'Could' is a limitless universe of possibility. We 'could' be using AI anywhere it makes budgetary sense, and the frequency of those opportunities will only continue to rise as AI technology mainstreams and becomes more affordable than human labor. But let's dismiss the showy humanoid robotics – right now those are just attention grabbers for beginners and conspicuous consumers. I believe, however, that housekeeping carts will be filling the service requests for soap, shampoo and clean towels.

For my money, AI's 'killer app' would be something like “Amazon Travel.” (Jeff Bezos: call me!) For the near term, AI will be less about robotics and more about matching preferences with opportunities: aligning age, budget, available time, health, physicality, lifestyle, affinity groups, friends, social circles, travel history and life experience goals with events you may not even know are taking place. After all, you don't know who and what you don't know – and there is no better way to fix that than by applying a thousand terabytes of artificial intelligence.

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