We all get to travel quite a bit in our industry... As a traveler, we get confronted with a wide range of technologies/platforms both during the booking/pre-arrival phase as well as the actual checkin and stay in a hotel room. This topic is part of our 2019 Technology Sentiment Study which we produce in co-operation with HFTP. Please take 6 minutes of your time to participate... if you have not done so already. In this viewpoint we asked our panel experts a simple question: As a TRAVELER... which hotel-related technology generates your biggest frustration... and why?

Timo Kettern
Timo Kettern
Director Franchise Technology Services EMEA

Non-functioning Key-Cards! Nothing frustrates me more than arriving at a hotel after a long day (of travel), having gone through the time-consuming Check-In process (like a gazillion times before) to arrive in front of my room and then the key-card won't open the door!

The prospect of then having to go back down to reception and join the check-in que again to get my key-card checked or re-issued drives me up the wall.

With the modern contactless door-locking systems it happens less and less; and I know very well that most of the time it is an operator mistake when the key-card does not work – but still, for me it remains the most annoying tech issue in a hotel.

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