We all get to travel quite a bit in our industry... As a traveler, we get confronted with a wide range of technologies/platforms both during the booking/pre-arrival phase as well as the actual checkin and stay in a hotel room. This topic is part of our 2019 Technology Sentiment Study which we produce in co-operation with HFTP. Please take 6 minutes of your time to participate... if you have not done so already. In this viewpoint we asked our panel experts a simple question: As a TRAVELER... which hotel-related technology generates your biggest frustration... and why?

Floor Bleeker
Floor Bleeker
Chief Technology Officer (CTO), Accor

Nobody comes to a hotel for the great check-in process, it's a hygiene factor that should take as little time and effort as possible. While other industries have figured this out well, we are using pretty much the same methods as we did 100 years ago. The processes of checking into a flight, taxi or event venue have been digitized years ago and we are still struggling. Especially outside the US we are limited by outdated laws that require physical signatures, a card made out of plastic and a copy of the passport (made at the hotel). And we are not helping ourselves either with different systems that don't talk to each other and many paper based processes in hotels.

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