We all get to travel quite a bit in our industry... As a traveler, we get confronted with a wide range of technologies/platforms both during the booking/pre-arrival phase as well as the actual checkin and stay in a hotel room. This topic is part of our 2019 Technology Sentiment Study which we produce in co-operation with HFTP. Please take 6 minutes of your time to participate... if you have not done so already. In this viewpoint we asked our panel experts a simple question: As a TRAVELER... which hotel-related technology generates your biggest frustration... and why?

Dave Berkus
Dave Berkus
Managing Partner at Wayfare Ventures LLC

Each of us connected to the hospitality industry are surely more picky than the average traveler. Usually this reduces our collective abilities to enjoy the experience. We notice little things others will miss, particularly with the service. We note poor implementation of technology at the front desk, restaurant or in the room. 


But we are perhaps first in effusive praise when we see things and people doing it right. For me, it is the technology I notice first. And almost as important, I note when service is slow or worse yet, employees when are distracted or speaking with each other – ignoring the person waiting for service. I expect that executives in retail and the service industries have the same problems, the difference being that hospitality is expected to be the premiere service industry.

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