The hotel industry must reduce its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions per room per year by 66% by 2030, and 90% by 2050 (see ITP, 2017). However, looking at 10 of the largest hotel companies, only one sets a goal that is in line with the science-based targets. Decarbonization has long become an integral part of risk assessment in other industries. Considering the current growth in hotel supply, the industry has already committed future carbon dioxide emissions via (often) poorly designed and air-conditioning hungry new properties. What drives the lack of commitment in the hospitality industry? What keeps developers and investors away from building a carbon-neutral future? What are the main obstacles ahead? What can the industry do better and how?

Nicolas   Dubrocard
Nicolas Dubrocard
Founder & Director, Audit Diagnostic Solutions Tourism

Trying to widespread sustainability in the tourism industry for the past 15 years I should say that I'm a bit disappointed. I feel that the persons in charge don't even understand what greenhouse gas emissions means. They are obsessed by other topics and don't see that the industry is at risk and will be accused (rightfully) to do nothing.

Without knowledge, without understanding, without long term vision, it's almost impossible for them to take action. Which is quite paradoxical as it could result in considerable savings. I have hundreds examples of water or energy savings easy to implement, low hanging fruits desperately waiting to be picked up and rotting on the hotel trees. 

There is a need for a deep mentality change, including the owners, the operators and the architects designing sick buildings. How is it still possible to build this giant ovens/hotels and believe that air con will solve all the problems when natural shade and appropriate orientation could do part of the work?

Let's hope that the next generation will break this state of mind and understand that not taking into account the environmental impact of the properties they will own, build, manage is like shooting themselves in the foot.

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