Some industry professionals have declared rate parity "dead". Some European countries have de facto outlawed rate parity in recent years. Yet, all major hotel chains strictly enforce rate parity for all publicly available rate. A number of industry experts believe that rate parity benefits hoteliers more than the OTAs and cite case studies from Europe that clearly show that the only beneficiaries of the removal of rate parity were the OTAs. Should rate parity become obsolete or should it continue to be a best practices opponent of hotelier's revenue management strategy?

Peter O’Connor
Peter O’Connor
Professor of Strategy at University of South Australia Business School

Rate parity benefits no one and should have been euthanized a long time ago.  Enforcing it ignores each channels' cost of distribution; causes ill-feeling between distribution partners and limits competition resulting in unwelcome scrutiny from competition authorities.  Let's use the excuse of new and pending legislation to place rate parity where it really belongs - in the trash can!

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