In this viewpoint, we asked 10 leading PMS providers to share their views and thoughts on how PMS will change in the post-COVID era.

Uli Pillau
Uli Pillau
Founder and CEO of apaleo

Imagine all the chaos if you had to hire a consultant to come to your home and set up ZOOM on your computer at the onset of beginning of COVID-19. This is the state of “cloud” PMS technology in the hospitality industry. Coronavirus forced every one of us to take some time to reflect and, more importantly, reprioritize. I am confident that people put their relationships at the top of the list and without actively thinking about it, turned to technology. This was the solution to bridge the person-to-person gap while keeping each other safe and being more efficient. While I wouldn't go so far as to say that anything good has come out of the pandemic, it has pushed people to adapt to changes and get past their insecurities about being involved with technology.

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