Evidence shows that spending time in nature helps reducing anxiety, improving mental health and well-being, let alone boosting physical health. Nature is good for us; can we be good to nature too? It's no wonder that one recent large-scale survey conducted by Booking.com (2020) identified 'Impact Awakening: The Rise of Responsible Travel' as one of the nine predictions on the future of travel. Half of the global travelers surveyed expressed the desire to travel more sustainably in the future with over two-thirds of respondents expecting more sustainable travel options from suppliers. Demand is (and expectations are) building up and post-pandemic will see a surge in travel with purpose. But do travelers easily have access to all information needed to make wise decisions on sustainable travel and hotels? Where are the gaps in the search and booking stages? And which company manages to fill those gaps well? What are some best practices in showcasing hotel sustainability online?

Booking.com (20 Oct 2020). Smarter, Kinder, Safer: Booking.com Reveals Nine Predictions For The Future of Travel. https://www.booking.com/articles/category/future-of-travel.html.

Dan Ruben
Dan Ruben
Director, How to Green Your Hotel

It's difficult for travelers to find information that enables them to evaluate hotel environmental performance. There is no universally-accepted scorecard or website that ranks hotels on environmental measures. So, hotels must communicate their green credentials on their own to prospective guests.

It's equally important to secure return business by making their green practices evident to visitors. Guests value visible signs of a property's environmental program, such as recycling bins, EV charging stations, solar panels, local and organic menu options, and no-smoking policies. 

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