From the days of holidex, Fidelio v6 and Micros 2700 we have for the last 30 years been adding technology upon technology in hospitality. In my last classes with my students (online), one reoccurring question was always, "why is there not one solution that can do everything". Once we discussed this more (language requirements, local fiscal reporting, support, etc…), the students got the complexity of using software and systems to run businesses. But moving forward, future managers are going to want their hospitality software to behave more like WhatsApp, Instagram or Snapchat. Download, install and work. No training or massive configuration to be done. So, where does this leave the hospitality industry? Do we keep on going with our "Lego" approach or do we need to say hold on, that's enough? Let's restart from scratch and what would that look like and how could we conceivably even do that.

Michael Schubach
Michael Schubach
Vice President of Product Management for Infor Hospitality

A massive reset would be wonderful — lots of problems bypassed thanks to the miracle of 20/20 hindsight... but it isn't going to happen. Wanting to be more like popular apps is a great thing if you have multiple millions of buyers, or even millions of free users who are willing to suffer the ads and the use of their personal data. Sadly, there is no model where highly interconnected business software just starts over. 

I've been with software companies that wanted to reset in 90s, embrace the new century at Y2K and start over with a whole clean slate for the cloud, but it's never happened. STR estimates that there are 187,000 hotels worldwide, which sounds like a lot, but compare it to the estimated 1.4 BILLION Microsoft Office users. All of hospitality is too small an audience to start all over, even if one vendor wins every customer on the planet. We don't snap on new “Legos” because we can't think of any other approach to the problem — we just can't think of one that would return a profit to the shareholders. Besides, any product that could serve every hotel on the planet would be a VERY complex system that would require a lot of training and configuration. Save yourself a lot of time and aggravation — that model is available today.

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