Cost optimization and profitability: Cost-optimization has always been a central notion in revenue management. That being said, the pandemic brought renewed attention to the topic. Today, more than ever, proper cost control is crucial to navigate these difficult waters and prepare for the "new normal." Whether we like it or not, every single decision revenue managers take on a daily basis, has an impact on the bottom line, meaning that revenue management is not only about optimizing the revenue streams, but also about increasing profitability. Favoring the distribution channels with the highest profit has become imperative in our industry. But how can hotels calculate the cost-per-acquisition of each channel? What should be taken into consideration? And how can this analysis influence one's distribution decisions?

Niki Van den Broeck
Niki Van den Broeck
Product Manager Parity Insight and Rate Insight

It's absolutely vital to take a look at the big picture and consider cost-per-acquisition when setting distribution strategies. Being professionally focused on Meetings & Events I want to stress the vital times we're in when it comes to the Meetings & Events distribution landscape. Things are moving. Most often, meetings are “requested”, not booked by sending an RFP to a hotel Meetings & Events representative. Quite often we see this one-channel approach as many hoteliers feel anxious about putting inventory online and some Meetings & Events require a tailor-made approach.

On the other hand, we see more distribution options becoming available. Future proof hotels are adding a direct booking engine for function space to their website and others are taking it one step further by working with OTA-like parties specialized in Meetings & Events.

When deciding what to do there are 2 things to consider: 1. Booking experience. Put yourself in the shoes of someone that tries to book a meeting. In these fast-passed times, people expect instant confirmation, especially when booking last minute. 2. Cost of acquisition. The main options for Meetings & Events are:

  1. RFP to hotel
  2. Direct via website
  3. OTA-like third party

All three options involve cost: Option 1 is most heavy on labor cost and requires hotel own marketing initiatives. Option 2 will involve software (license) costs, SEO and also marketing efforts. Option 3 will take care of marketing and SEO but will involve a commission model.

Just like with hotel rooms the name of the game is balance between channels taking into account experience and cost. 

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