Nothing divides revenue managers more than the discussion around artificial intelligence and machine learning. The two schools of thought fall into the category of technophobics and technophiles, with AI-enthusiasts on one side and Luddites on the other. As usual, in medio stat virtus, so it's time to ask the right questions about the use of AI, ML, BI, blockchain, advanced analytics, etc. in our industry. What, if any, technology(ies) can facilitate the work of revenue managers? And will revenue management as we know it disappear with the rise of AI?

Digna Kolar
Digna Kolar
Director, Industry Consulting at IDeaS

Great hospitality technology is out there already and keeps improving. Most of it has been using AI and machine learning for years and continues to become more sophisticated to keep up with our rapidly changing industry. The objective of this technology should be to make our lives easier, and in revenue management, that can be done by introducing reliable automation to improve efficiencies and providing faster, more objective data-driven decisions we can count on.

Experience is a great asset we can all benefit from, but as new trends arise and changes keep taking place—always faster and faster it seems—the advantage of having that sophisticated technology available will empower us to adapt to new circumstances and enable our teams to work smarter, not harder. Those who don't adapt, however, will find themselves quickly sidelined. With that said, the role of revenue management isn't disappearing, but it absolutely must evolve.

Years ago, when our industry began this revenue management journey, hotel revenue managers were the Excel experts, able to spend days preparing piles of reports trying to understand the history, see the new trends and make, in most cases, reactive decisions. Today, technology can take care of this analysis better than we ever could, giving us the opportunity to spend more time on creating strategies and take proactive actions. Creativity, innovation, strategy and leadership are the capabilities needed in a modern revenue manager—with their trusty, automated revenue-optimizing solution at their side.

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