Travel & Tourism’s total contribution to the global economy has risen to 9.5% of global GDP (US $7 trillion) - not only outpacing the wider economy, but also growing faster than other significant sectors such as financial and business services, transport and manufacturing. Travel & Tourism forecasts over the next ten years also look extremely favourable. But capitalising on the growth opportunity will require authorities to create a favourable climate for infrastructure investment and people development – and governments can also do much to implement more open visa regimes and to employ intelligent taxation policies. Presentations of best practice from around the industry will be combined with lively debates around the nature of future trends and current policies.

Be part of these debates, and join the WTTC 15th annual Global Summit in person, or online.

Attendance at the WTTC Global Summit is complimentary and by invitation only for those holding the most senior positions in Travel & Tourism in the public and private sector, and for related media.

For more information please contact World Travel & Tourism Council
+44 (0) 20 7481 8007