Independent hoteliers, owners, operators and managers as well as investors, developers, designers, architects,

consultants, tourism leaders and regional tourist board were representated for a day and a half of unrivalled practical knowledge designed to add real value to your business operations.

The event also featured:

  • AHC Social – an ambient zone with food and drinks served all day.
  • AHC Innovate – a zone that brings technology and integrated guest services together.
  • AHC Connect, Podium Bar and Meeting Areas – Zones that tie in with the new and improved dedicated social media platform of AHC Connect. Delegates and sponsors can take a break, grab a bite to eat, meet up with peers and catch up with emails throughout the 2 days.

Learn, Network, Be inspired.

This event is organized by TheAhc Ltd

For more information please contact Emily Newman
020 7892 2240

HN members exhibiting at The Annual Hotel Conference 2017 (AHC)
