The Hotel Operations Conference focuses on the value created when running hotels. This year's event again brings together owners, third-party operators, brands and chains that have some or all of brands, operations and real estate. "From op co and prop co splits to the separation into property, operations and brand, the Hotel Operations Conference delves into the detail of what matters in operating platforms when investing in the hotel business," says Andrew Sangster, editorial director of Hotel Analyst and creator of HOC.

The programme is now finalised, please take look.

"For too long, the focus has been on either the real estate play or the branding and distribution aspect of hotels. This event puts operations, and the value creation in running hotels, centre stage."

The early bird rate for delegate places is £495 + VAT (rather than £595 + VAT) is open to you on behalf of HOSPA. Book via our website or email us directly. The event is to be held at The Montcalm London Marble Arch on the 23rd May.

For more information please contact Sarah Sangster
+44 (0)20 8870 6388