PHIST Masterclass: Net-Zero for the Hotel Industry

Ahead of PHIST 2021 on Wednesday 27th October 2021, four free one-hour environmental masterclasses will be held online. "Net Zero for the Hotel Industry" (14.00-15.00 hrs) will highlight carbon neutral concepts for the hotel sector

The buzz of 2021 in sustainability is net-zero. Buzz because of the commitments, but also because of the confusion in what net-zero means in general and for the hotel industry. This session will provide an overview of net-zero concepts, how it applies to a hotel and hotel company, actions to take toward a net-zero pathway, and the latest update on the Hotel Industry Net-Zero Methodology that will be launched that week, a joint collaboration between the WTTC, PATA, Sustainable Hospitality Alliance, Tourism Declares a Climate Emergency, and Greenview with an advisory group of 25 hotel companies.


  • Olivia Ruggles-Brise, Director, Greenview
  • Sahil Aggarwal, Senior Analyst, Greenview

For more information please contact Sumi Soorian

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