orwath HTL, the worlds largest hospitality-consulting group, have launched their mid year Global Hotel Sentiment Survey (click to participate!).

The survey covers 60 countries around the world and is run twice a year to keep the information relevant and up to date. The survey itself is designed to gauge the temperature of hoteliers around the world, getting their views on current and future trading conditions and whether their performance is meeting their expectations. The survey covers room rates, occupancies and revenue and looks at the conditions that are impacting the business. Damien Little, Director of Horwath HTL China and the creator of the survey said, “The survey is an important reality check for the industry. All of the hotels have their own actual trading performances and have a good idea of what the market is doing; the survey allows them to see whether their views match the reality and whether or not their optimism, or pessimism is justified. The fact that we are able to cover so many markets gives us a unique ability to present a balanced picture of what each region feels”

The last survey done in January of 2010 showed that most regions in the world were moving into cautious optimism about the recovery, the current survey will show if that feeling has continued or if fears of a global double dip recession cause concern.

The survey can be accessed here.

About Horwath HTL | Horwath HTL (Hotels Tourism and Leisure) is one of the pre-eminent consulting specialists in the hotel, tourism and leisure industries, providing unequalled experience and expertise for client projects around the world through a combination of detailed local knowledge and international understanding. Horwath HTL is currently the world's largest consulting organization specialized in the hospitality industry, with 50 offices in 39 countries.

Horwath HTL is a member of Crowe Horwath International, a professional association of accounting and management consulting firms founded in New York in 1915. Crowe Horwath International is currently ranked among the top ten international professional service groups with offices in close to 400 cities in 88 countries.

For more information, contact James Chappell, Global Marketing Director at [email protected].

James Chappell (HTL)
Global Marketing Director