TREVOSE, PA – August 22, 2011 – An industry-leading blog, launched recently by International SOS, brings together a wide range of travel management, human resources, legal and security experts around the topic of Duty of Care: a company's obligation to protect its employees from risks. The online platform, which will feature posts by International SOS experts as well as a variety of guest authors, offers visitors a unique perspective on the constantly evolving challenges faced by organizations with employees who travel , and how companies are meetings these challenges with innovative solutions.

Safeguarding employees who travel to often far-flung and high-risk locations on behalf of their employer is an increasingly complex task. There are a variety of legal, financial, reputational and moral considerations when it comes to protecting travelers from issues that arise, ranging from large-scale natural disasters to more common but significant incidents like car accidents, theft, illness or injury.

At launch, visitors of the blog can read a post by John Rendeiro, Vice President Security and Intelligence, which defines Duty of Care and how companies can build an integrated program to meet the important responsibilities they have to all employees who travel. Dr. Myles Druckman, Vice President Medical Services, contributes a piece on the importance of bringing together multiple departments – including human resources, travel, medical and security – to develop a cohesive support program for employees.

Guests can add to or update a post with their own comments, or use social media tools like Twitter, Digg and Reddit to share posts with colleagues and friends. In addition to regularly updated posts, the blog includes access to a library of Duty of Care resources, including a video, white papers and webinar presentations that include best practice guidance from executives who have successfully implemented their own Duty of Care policies. To be notified when a new post or material becomes available, interested parties can subscribe on the blog's homepage and receive email or RSS feed updates.

A new post will be added weekly at, with upcoming topics to include: Duty of Care practices of high-tech companies, assisting travelers in extreme or particularly dangerous locations and traveler tracking during a crisis.

About International SOS

International SOS ( is the world's leading medical & security services company operating from over 700 sites in 76 countries with 10,000 employees, led by 1,100 physicians and 200 security specialists. Our global services include medical and risk planning, preventative programs, in-country expertise and emergency response for travelers, expatriates and their dependents of over 70 percent of the Fortune 500 companies.

Erin Giordano
Marketing and Communications Director, International SOS