Bethany and her fiance will celebrate their wedding at The Hotel at Kirkwood Center in April. — Photo by The Hotel at Kirkwood Center

A romance novelist couldn't have written Bethany and Brian's story more sweetly.

Flashback to Italy, January 2011. Bethany Nye is a small-town girl, with a chance to work abroad for an internship. Brian Roberts is an adventurous military man, stationed in Italy with the Army Airborne Infantry. Fate brought them together at a small café.

"We just started talking then went on a date the next day," Bethany said. "I talked to my dad on Skype that night and he immediately knew something was different. He asked me why I was so happy, and I said, well, I met a guy."

Two short months later, Bethany's internship with the Army ended, and she came back to Iowa. The Wellman native, who had just graduated in 2010 from the University of Iowa with a bachelor's in psychology, landed a great job with Tanager Place in Cedar Rapids, working with children.

As 2011 was coming to a close, Brian had been to Iowa to meet her family, Bethany had been back to Italy and the couple was in a critical transition. She was in Iowa, he was half a world away.

Brian had some leave time and was spending the holidays with his family in Massachusetts. She decided to spend New Year's Eve with her friends in Iowa City.

"That night my friends and I were downtown and suddenly I noticed him walking straight towards me! I didn't even really react because I couldn't believe it was him," she said. "He came up to our table, dressed in his military uniform, and I had to read his name tag over and over to make myself believe it was really him."

What Bethany didn't know was Brian had hopped a plane to Iowa that day. And that he had a ring in his pocket.

"He waited until after midnight," she said. "We went outside, he lifted me up and set me on a ledge and asked me to marry him. It felt like a fairytale!"

The kink in this fairytale is Brian is back in Italy, training for his second tour in Afghanistan. He was granted two weeks leave in April, so the couple is furiously making wedding plans. Brian will arrive in Iowa April 12, just in time for their wedding April 14.

Which is where assistance from professional event planners, and from three sisters, comes in handy. Bethany is planning her whirlwind wedding at The Hotel at Kirkwood Center, where she's getting expert advice from the venue's experienced staff.

"Many of our guests, especially Brian's family from Massachusetts, will be flying in. I'm really happy we found a place close to the airport, where we can have the wedding and reception under one roof, plus a place for everyone to stay and not worry about transportation," she said.

The happy couple Skypes daily, so Bethany can ask questions and get Brian's input. So far, he's pretty comfortable with Bethany making the final call on decorations and details. "Brian is very grateful for all the work I've put in to making the wedding happen so quickly," Bethany said. "He thanks me for it often and is just happy it's working out, so he's not too picky about the décor."

"The first time Brian will see The Hotel is when he gets here April 12," she continued. "But I have to say I'm calm and organized, and things are really falling into place."

For example, she shopped for her gown a week after the engagement. She ended up buying the first dress she put on, which fit perfectly. Much like The Hotel as a venue.

Sometimes, things are just meant to be.

More information on The Hotel at Kirkwood Center is available at (319) 848-8700; or via the Web:


Lee Belfield
General Manager
The Hotel at Kirkwood Center