Spirited innovation and the human touch differentiate InvoTech Systems, Inc. from its competitors. The company recently discovered the magic these same qualities bring when applied to public relations and branding. One result is a banner year for InvoTech, which saw dramatic sales growth of its inventory control systems in North America, Australia, Canada, Mexico, and the Asia Pacific region. InvoTech Systems credits its fresh marketing approach for helping to double sales inquiries and steadily increase new contracts.

"The first step is to delve deeper into understanding potential customers—who they are and what they want," explains Jeff Welles, vice president of InvoTech. "This enables us to understand how to craft messages that reach our prospects and effectively address their needs." InvoTech"s customers include the world"s largest casinos, hotels, resorts, theme parks, sports arenas, and laundries.

Welles says highly focused public relations and marketing programs generated much of the growing interest in InvoTech"s products. Those efforts began last year when InvoTech started a relationship with an award winning Atlanta-based public relations and marketing firm that specializes in hospitality and casino gaming.

Video press release shows and tells how InvoTech delivers
"Softscribe Inc."s PR strategy, benefit messaging, strategic communications, and website work boosted awareness in our target markets of the value we deliver," says Welles. "Case in point: a video press release they developed. The release includes a live demo that we conducted at the June 2011 HITEC event in Austin. We wowed potential customers with three typical hotel laundry tracking processes that our systems automate and improve. When a prospect called us in April 2012, we forwarded a link to the press release. Being able to watch our system in action prompted the prospect to become a customer. InvoTech continues to get a significant return on the PR investment we started nearly a year ago."

Effective messaging, innovative approach drives more pre-qualified inquiries, a shorter sales cycle

"The relationship with our technology public relations provider clearly builds a greater awareness of our systems" value in the minds of potential customers," said Harvey Welles, founder, CEO, and president of InvoTech Systems. "Now, when prospects contact us, many already know about the benefits we deliver through our marketing work. We are only beginning to scratch the surface of what we can achieve."

InvoTech recognized early that their marketing partner shares the company"s emphasis on innovation and long-term customer relationships. "Softscribe has a great rapport with our team," said Jeff Welles. "We trust them to contact our clients and value their ability to represent InvoTech. When we provide our customers" information for a story, their team handles it professionally every time."

"A whole new way of marketing" doubles leads during the first year
InvoTech—a company that grew into industry leadership before ever distributing a press release— moved into "a whole new way of marketing," says Jeff Welles. Benefits include:

  • Doubled inquiries via a revitalized website with enhanced "request for information" processes. Closed multiple contracts fed into the sales funnel by public relations.
  • Increased editorial coverage, with the right benefit message, in the most valuable industry publications.
  • Realized stronger post-purchase approval. This resulted, in part, from customer success stories forwarded to InvoTech"s client list and repurposed in company newsletters.

"Judging by the growing number of inquiries we receive and the brisk traffic at our booths at HITEC, HOFEX, and other industry expos, more and more companies recognize the value our solutions provide," Jeff Welles said. "The recognition makes all the hard work worthwhile."

About InvoTech Systems
InvoTech Systems, Inc. – a Microsoft Certified Partner – is a leading provider of high quality and innovative inventory control systems for hotels, casinos, resorts, theme parks, and sports arenas. The company"s GIMS™ asset management solution and tracking systems manage uniforms, linens and laundries, and its SAMS™ systems manage security and guest services operations. Both GIMS™ and SAMS™ provide ultimate control and accountability, streamline operations, improve quality and loss control, and reduce labor. The GIMS™ ultra high frequency, radio frequency identification (UHF-RFID) system, in particular, fully automates uniform and linen tracking, allowing managers to eliminate labor from cost centers and instead put staff to work enhancing revenues. With more than 500 customers worldwide that include MGM Resorts International, Ritz-Carlton Hotels, Hyatt Hotels, Starwood Hotels and Resorts, Hilton Hotels, Universal Studios, and Madison Square Garden, InvoTech Systems is rooted in a culture that emphasizes long-term client relationships, superior customer service, and on-going technology innovation and integration. For more information, please visit www.invotech.com.

About Softscribe Inc.

Softscribe Inc. is an award winning market consulting and integrated public relations firm. We help technology companies targeting the hospitality and travel, government, multifamily and related markets achieve substantial business growth. To do this, we leverage over 12 years of proven results and innovation, domain expertise and long-term relationships. Our fresh, client-tailored public relations and branding programs apply an integrated approach of SEO, social media and online marketing to achieve our clients" business goals. We are proud of our best-in-class clients and would like to help you, too. For more information please contact us at www.softscribeinc.com.

Julie Keyser-Squires