HSMAI’s President and CEO Bob Gilbert presents the 2012 Chapter of the Year Award to representatives of the HSMAI Dallas/Fort Worth Chapter — Photo by HSMAI

The Hospitality Sales and Marketing Association International (HSMAI) recently announced the winners of its "Chapter Best of the Best Awards," including the Chapter of the Year Award, presented to the Dallas / Fort Worth Metroplex Chapter for being 2012's most-accomplished.

Every year, HSMAI recognizes chapters within the Americas Region in areas such as leadership development, education programming and community involvement. HSMAI handed out 28 total chapter awards this year at its annual Leadership Conference, now known as the HSMAI Mike Leven Leadership Conference, following a generous $1 million donation from the Mike and Andrea Leven Foundation.

"With 37 chapters across the Americas Region, HSMAI is proud to have such talented, driven individuals as our leaders," said Fran Brasseux, executive vice president of HSMAI. "Each of our chapter winners has proven they are making deliberate efforts to continuously improve and innovate on a variety of fronts, supporting our mission of helping hotels and their partners fuel sales, inspire marketing and optimize revenue."

The complete list of this year's winners and categories includes:

Large Chapter Winners

  • Arizona: Collegiate Chapters, Community Involvement / Fundraising, Education Programming, Partnership Development
  • Greater New York: Awards & Recognition, Communication Marketing, Customer Interaction Programs, Leadership Development
  • South Florida: Membership Development

Medium Chapter Winners

  • Boston: Communication Marketing, Education Programming
  • Central Florida: Community Involvement / Fundraising, Partnership Development
  • Dallas / Fort Worth Metroplex: Awards & Recognition, Leadership Development, Membership Development
  • Greater Philadelphia: Customer Interaction Programs
  • Minnesota: Collegiate Chapters

Small Chapter Winners

  • Austin: Community Involvement / Fundraising, Leadership Development, Membership Development
  • Heartland: Collegiate Chapters
  • Mid-South: Awards & Recognition, Communication Marketing, Customer Interaction Programs, Partnership Development
  • Missouri: Education Programming

The Leadership Conference, held this year at The Peabody Orlando, brings together HSMAI chapters, board and student leaders for exclusive professional development opportunities. Association leaders who attended the conference also participated in a program with Give Kids the World and generously donated toys, electronics and cash to help seriously ill children and their families fulfill a wish to experience a memorable, cost-free visit to Central Florida attractions, including the Give Kids the World Village.

The conference was made possible by Conference Partners MICROS eCommerce and STR, and Conference Contributors Digital Alchemy, Expedia Partner Services and Nor1. This year's Best of the Best Awards Dinner was co-hosted by Travelocity and The Peabody Orlando.

For additional information on HSMAI, please visit www.hsmai.org.


The Hospitality Sales & Marketing Association International (HSMAI) is committed to growing business for hotels and their partners and is the industry's leading advocate for intelligent, sustainable hotel revenue growth. The association provides hotel professionals and their partners with tools, insights, and expertise to fuel sales, inspire marketing, and optimize revenue through programs such as the Marketing Strategy Conference, Adrian Awards, Sales Leader Forum, and HSMAI ROC. Founded in 1927, HSMAI is a membership organization comprising more than 5,000 members worldwide, with 40 chapters in the Americas Region. Connect with HSMAI at hsmai.org.

Lindsay Stout