M3 SSAE 16 SOC I Audited

(GAINESVILLE, GA – 01/29/14) M3 Accounting + Analytics, the national leader in hotel-specific accounting software, operations reporting and business analytics, recently completed the rigorous SSAE 16 - SOC 1, Type II independent audit, conducted by independent service auditor McGladrey LLP. The report marks the fourth consecutive year that M3 has pursued and achieved a "clean" opinion, with no exceptions noted in all operational areas audited, according to the SSAE 16 – SOC 1 standard or the predecessor standard, SAS 70 Type II. Details of the audit are available for review to M3's customers and prospective customers.

SSAE 16, developed by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), is the most widely recognized authoritative evaluation that provides service organizations with an independent audit of the design and operation of internal controls related to their services. Companies that complete an annual SSAE 16 – SOC 1, Type II examination demonstrate substantially higher levels of assurance and operational visibility than their competitors that do not.

"This report is the culmination of many years of deliberate and consistent efforts to implement processes that ensure our customers can count on the reliability, performance and overall quality of M3's products and services," explained Wes Dean, M3's Vice President of Information Technology. "Every member of our company has been dedicated to this project, with the goal of proving that we have the right processes and controls in place to achieve the best possible results."

"The completion of a formal audit and review for the fourth consecutive year demonstrates M3's continued commitment to create and maintain the most stringent controls to ensure the security of our customers' data and confidential information", said Scott Watson, M3's Vice President of Sales and Marketing. "To our knowledge, M3 remains the only hotel-specific accounting and analytics software provider that is SSAE 16 certified. In today's world of data security, maximized performance demands and global deployment, hotel owners, operators and managers should mandate this certification from any vendor thatprovides online accounting or financial services solutions to support their customers' operations."

In addition to M3's flagship accounting platform, AccKnowledge®, the company also provides a suite of solutions to meet the needs of the hospitality industry, including business analytics tool, M3 Link, and labor and payroll management system, RightTime. All of these tools are designed to help provide hotel operators, owners and managers unsurpassed access to the information they need in the most integrated and cost effective manner.

For additional information, contact Scott Watson, Vice President of Sales, at [email protected] or 770.297.1925, Ext. 571.

About M3 Accounting + Analytics

M3 is the national leader in hotel-specific accounting software, operations reporting, business intelligence and analytics, processing more than $10 billion in financial transactions for more than 3,000 properties. M3's integrated suite of hospitality accounting products includes: AccKnowledge®, M3 Link, M3 RightTime payroll and labor management services, and document imaging and retrieval – all designed to help provide hotel operators, owners and managers unsurpassed access to the information they need in the most integrated and cost-effective manner. More information is available at www.M3AS.com.

Scott Watson
Executive Vice President, Sales & Marketing

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