Airbnb became the successful brand it is today by following trends of disruption in the hospitality business that have been around since the 1950s, and by understanding shifts in consumer behavior. So said Chip Conley, head of global hospitality and strategy at Airbnb, who talked about the company's role in the history of the hospitality industry at the C2 conference in Montreal on Wednesday. Conley, who has plenty of hotel experience under his belt as the founder of the Joie de Vivre, a boutique hotel chain, was intrigued by Airbnb's business plan when he was approached to join the company three years ago. "In 2013, I didn't know what the sharing economy was. But I thought it was interesting that they were trying to democratize hotels, and they were trying to improve hospitality for people who were traveling, but they were doing it without their own employees."

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