CHICAGO – Hotel Technology Next Generation (HTNG) announces the launch of the Next Generation Distribution Messaging Workgroup.

This workgroup will identify and examine the connectivity of open source and proprietary messaging standards evolving in the travel industry, including IATA's (International Air Transport Association) New Distribution Capability (NDC) and the OpenTravel Alliance 2.0 object model.

Both NDC and OpenTravel 2.0 introduce the notion of Offers and Orders that brings the industry closer to a world of true retailing, enabling a richer booking experience and greater opportunities for cross-selling and up-selling, resulting in increased value.

Vice President of Digital Strategy and Distribution at Kempinski Hotels, Riko van Santen said, "In order to redefine distribution solutions and provide a rich, seamless experience for guests, we must have agile, integrated systems across an increasingly complex travel ecosystem. We can only do that by embracing technology standards of the industry, which are not fully synchronized today."

In addition to IATA and OpenTravel, wide participation in this workgroup is expected from hotel companies, distributors and technology companies. Their efforts will generate a recommended path forward, including potential benefits, impacts and alignment opportunities.

"This workgroup will strive to solve this issue for the benefit of all travel companies and, ultimately, the consumer," said van Santen.

About Hospitality Technology Next Generation (HTNG)

Part of the American Hotel & Lodging Association (AHLA), HTNG the premier technology solutions association in the hospitality industry, HTNG serves members from hospitality companies, technology vendors to hospitality, consultants, media and academic experts. HTNG's members participate in focused workgroups to bring to market open solution sets addressing specific business problems. HTNG fosters the selection and adoption of existing open standards and also develops new open standards to meet the needs of the global hospitality industry.

Currently more than 400 corporate and individual members from across this spectrum, including world leading hospitality companies and technology vendors, are active HTNG participants. HTNG's Board of Governors, consisting of 22 top IT leaders from hospitality companies around the world, itself has technology responsible for over 3 million guest rooms and world-leading venues. HTNG publishes workgroup proceedings, drafts and specifications for all HTNG members as soon as they are created, encouraging rapid and broad adoption. HTNG releases specifications into the public domain as soon as they are ratified by the workgroups.

Katie Mazzuca
Senior Director of Marketing and Events
+1 312 690-5034