Source: My Place Hotels of America
Source: My Place Hotels of America

Something big is happening at My Place Hotels of America. America's newest and best extended stay hotel brand is about to launch a groundbreaking tour to celebrate four new franchises in four days! Beginning Monday, May 15, My Place President and CEO Ryan Rivett will lead a delegation from Las Vegas to Nashville, ending the week of groundbreakings in the Des Moines area where two My Place hotels are planned.

The groundbreaking tour spanning three time zones will demonstrate My Place's dedication to supporting its franchisees, and celebrate the brand's momentum in its aggressive campaign for US expansion. With a deep focus on franchise development and support, Rivett said the brand is making daily strides towards the 2024 goal of 1,000 open locations.

"We're hitting our stride in franchise development and looking towards achieving tangible, critical mass this year," Rivett said. "The first quarter has been fantastic, and we've taken six franchise sales from concept discussion to planning just this week!"

First up is Las Vegas, home of Nevada's first My Place hotel! Owner Randal Bender said he is excited to share the momentous occasion with his franchisor and fellow My Place franchisees.

"When the CEO of My Place invited me to be a part of a week-long groundbreaking tour, I couldn't think of a better way to make the brand's debut in the great state of Nevada," Bender said. "Bringing My Place to Las Vegas is very exciting, and we now have a tremendous opportunity to share that excitement!"

The next tour stop in Music City will mark the brand's debut in Tennessee, where owner Eric Myers eagerly awaits the completion of his second My Place hotel!

"It is awesome to be a part of My Place's four groundbreakings in four days," Myers said. "My Place is quickly marking off the top US hospitality markets right now, and I'm excited to be a part of the growth that the greater area of Nashville is experiencing. My Place will be a great addition to the community!"

The week of groundbreakings will end with two celebrations in Des Moines where owner Matt Eller's first My Place hotels are being built simultaneously within 10 miles of each other. The major ramp up feels familiar to Terry Kline, My Place EVP of Franchise Development and industry veteran of 30 years.

"Whatanexcitingridewe'reonhereat My Place Hotels! It's truly been a thrill to be able to play a part in this dynamic new brand and the record setting growth," Kline said."All the credit goes to our franchisees; what an honor to be working alongside such a dedicated group who share mutual goals and are filled with so much spirit, passion and drive!"

All My Place Hotels offer modern amenities at an affordable price including nightly, weekly and monthly rate options. Each extended stay guest room will feature a My Kitchen, complete with a two-burner cooktop, a microwave and a full refrigerator. The property is pet

friendly and will also include on-site laundry facilities, complimentary high speed Internet service and a 24-hour My Store, located in the hotel lobby and stocked with an array of supplies for the guests'convenience. Additionally, guests are invited to enjoy the new Breakfast in Bed option for a minimal cost.

About My Place Hotels

My Place Hotels of America, LLC ("My Place Hotels") is a hotel franchisor focusing on franchising clean and comfortable hotels with modern rooms, amenities, and excellent customer service, all at an affordable price. The company is based in Aberdeen, SD, and offers two hotel brand options to potential and current franchisees. There are almost 70 My Place Hotels open across 29 states with over 120 hotels in the pipeline. For more information on franchising with My Place or to book your next stay, please visit