TravelBank, the modern budgeting, expense, and travel booking app for business, today announced two new programs. The first is a commission sharing program that gives companies enrolled up to 1% cashback on travel bookings. The second is an auto-rewards program that gives employees rewards points simply for booking on TravelBank, expanding its current rewards program.

The commission sharing program, available for enrollment now, will give companies up to 1% cash back annually based on their bookings volume. This program can be used in addition to credit card points, airline loyalty points, and other rewards programs, providing companies with one more way to earn rewards for business travel. Participating in TravelBank's commission sharing program brings SMBs together, pooling their booking volume and allowing the company to offer a percentage of cash back to customers.

TravelBank's mission is to inspire a culture of predictability and savings for business travel and entertainment. The auto-rewards program for employees furthers that mission by automatically rewarding business travelers when they choose less expensive flights against the company's budget and showing travelers which flights will give them the most points when they book. The less expensive the flight, the more rewards the employee will get.The program will also expand the rewards points offering to employees who are not using the TravelBank expense reporting system. Previously, users could only earn rewards points if their company was participating in a rewards program and they used the TravelBank expense system.

Booking more economical flights earns employees more rewards points, encouraging travelers to pick the less expensive option in order to earn more rewards points, which saves their company money. TravelBank rewards points can be used for personal use with TravelBank rewards partners including Uber, Lyft, Airbnb, and RedAwning. Auto-rewards will be available in the TravelBank app next month.

"We created TravelBank to help businesses save money on travel and entertainment and to be a destination for the modern traveler to book their business travel," said Duke Chung, CEO and co-founder of TravelBank. "Cash and travel rewards are an important part of a company's strategy for saving money on T&E. Now, with TravelBank's commission-sharing program, companies have one more opportunity to come in under budget. Additionally, with auto-rewards, employees will immediately see how they can benefit from booking more economical travel. Both systems work together to help small businesses and travelers get the most for their money without sacrificing modern conveniences."

For more information about the commission sharing and auto-rewards program, visit

TravelBank launched in October 2016 as an expense management and budgeting app for small and midsized businesses. The app makes creating an expense report a delightful experience with a camera-first user interface, predictive categorization, and budget bars to track spending. Additionally, TravelBank makes economical business travel attractive to users, allowing companies to reward employees who come in under their trip budget with TravelBank Rewards Points.

About TravelBank

TravelBank is an all-in-one modern budgeting, expense and travel booking app for business, empowering companies with predictive budgets that guide spending on travel and a frictionless expense reporting and flight process for employees. More than 800 companies spanning nearly every industry are using TravelBank. Backed by NEA, the company has raised $10 million in a Series A round of funding and is headquartered in San Francisco, California.

Lauren Busley