STR: US Hotel Results — Photo by HHN

HENDERSONVILLE, Tennessee — The U.S. hotel industry reported negative year-over-year results in the three key performance metrics during the week of 20-26 January 2019, according to data from STR.

In comparison with the week of 21-27 January 2018, the industry recorded the following:

  • Occupancy: -0.6% to 58.0%
    Average daily rate (ADR): -0.3% to US$124.05
    Revenue per available room (RevPAR): -0.9% to US$71.93

STR analysts note that the weekly decline among markets was not surprising given the Martin Luther King Jr. Day calendar shift, which had lifted the prior week's results. As expected, Monday's RevPAR percentage change was poor (-14.9%).

Among the Top 25 Markets, New Orleans, Louisiana, reported the largest increase in RevPAR (+12.8% to US$103.66), driven by the only double-digit rise in occupancy (+13.2% to 72.8%).

San Francisco/San Mateo, California, posted the only double-digit lift in ADR (+14.0% to US$253.29), but the third-largest drop in occupancy (-8.3% to 73.6%).

San Diego, California, saw the only other double-digit jump in RevPAR (+10.7% to US$114.79).

Chicago, Illinois, registered the steepest declines in each of the three key performance metrics: occupancy (-16.1% to 50.5%), ADR (-15.6% to US$105.74) and RevPAR (-29.2% to US$53.37).

Houston, Texas, experienced the second-largest decrease in occupancy (-15.1% to 59.8%), which resulted in the second-largest drop in RevPAR (-20.0% to US$62.24).

Denver, Colorado, posted the only other double-digit decline in ADR (-13.4% to US$117.78).

Washington, D.C.-Maryland-Virginia, saw declines across the three key performance metrics: occupancy (-6.6% to 50.0%), ADR (-4.3% to US$133.17) and RevPAR (-10.6% to US$66.58). STR analysts note that while performance was negative, D.C. did not stand out significantly among the other markets. Nine of the Top 25 Markets reported double-digit decreases in RevPAR. That said, RevPAR was negative for each day of the week in D.C., which was partially attributed to the government shutdown.

Download STR's U.S. hotel review for the week ending 26 January.

About STR

STR provides premium data benchmarking, analytics and marketplace insights for the global hospitality industry. Founded in 1985, STR maintains a presence in 15 countries with a corporate North American headquarters in Hendersonville, Tennessee, an international headquarters in London, and an Asia Pacific headquarters in Singapore. STR was acquired in October 2019 by CoStar Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: CSGP), the leading provider of commercial real estate information, analytics and online marketplaces. For more information, please visit and

Nick Minerd
Public Relations Coordinator
+1 (615) 824 8664 ext. 3305