Get Lost with Black Tomato — Photo by BLACK TOMATO
Original Travel is focusing on train-only itineraries, Show here is Train Oslo in Bergen, Norway — Photo by GETTY
The Bali Eco Village — Photo by POSITIVE TRAVEL
Levi in Finland is part of Scott Dunn's arctic wellness itinerary — Photo by HALIPUU
Street scene in Colombia — Photo by SCOTT DUNN
One of the casitas on Islas Secas, Panama — Photo by ISLAS SECAS
Inside one of the casitas — Photo by ISLAS SECAS

From the rise in eco-friendly hotels to the search for authentic experiences, the world of travel has never been so 'woke'. In a series of articles looking at what's new and what's coming up on the horizon, I reveal what's happening in travel for 2020.

1. Green, green grass of home
Make no mistake - with the effects of climate change starting to hit home - the travel industry - along with many travellers - are starting to think responsibly. From the introduction of vegan hotels - yes, they are a thing! (Saorsa 1875 in Perthshire, Scotland is, in fact, the UK's first vegan hotel) - to a plethora of sustainable initiatives across an increasing number of eco-aware hotels (such as eliminating plastics, introducing 'give-back' activities and using local produce and communities in hotels) - it has become easier to travel more ethically.

Amadeus, one of the world's leading travel tech companies, has included 'sustainable travel' as one of its top ten trends for 2020, saying that: "Sustainability has become a deciding factor for individuals purchasing travel and accommodation, and travel companies are adapting their offers to reflect this. From reducing plastic in hotels, to the creation of sustainably-focused package holidays, consumers are offered a wide choice when it comes to an eco-stay and are starting to hold companies accountable if they don't meet requirements. Holidaymakers are keen to ensure that their trips will have a positive impact on the globe and there is an increased interest in understanding how tourism negatively impacts or benefits a local economy."

Read the full article at Forbes