
Hyatt has wellness on the brain—quite literally. The Chicago-based corporation hired its first Head of Wellbeing, Mia Kyricos, two years ago, and recently announced a new partnership with meditation company Headspace that will bring new offerings to both hotel guests and employees.

"At Hyatt, we see wellness as a road—how you eat, how you sleep, how you move every day," says Kyricos on the latest episode of Ad Age's Marketer's Brief podcast. "Wellbeing is the destination we are all trying to reach but often don't get to stay for long."

To that end, Hyatt has rolled out a series of initiatives aimed at improving its conference experience for clients like Nike and Johnson & Jonson. The new Headspace offering will bring the meditation experience to hotel rooms through TVs and other touchpoints. It should roll out to 200 Hyatt hotels by the end of March and continue to expand from there, according to Kyricos.

Such programs, still unique in the hospitality space, are helping the hotel chain differentiate from the competition, she says.

"We are in a world today that doesn't sleep," she says. "Everyone's trying to find a way to care for themselves along the way."

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