Global management consultancy Boston Consulting Group has pledged to cut its business travel-related carbon emissions at least 30 percent per full-time employee by the year 2025 from 2018 levels. The target is part of a commitment BCG announced in September 2020 to reach net-zero climate impact for the business by 2030 through carbon-reduction initiatives while investing in carbon-removal projects for the footprint that remains.

Slashing business travel emissions is central to BCG's sustainability strategy, but it is a daunting challenge because travel accounts for more than 80 percent of the company's total carbon footprint. "Travel is an integral part of the way we operate," said managing director and partner for global operations services Kathryn Bell, who is responsible for BCG's travel and sustainability as well as procurement, security and facilities. "We know there is no single lever we can pull. We are dependent on traveling to put our teams together with our clients."

Yet continuing to travel as before—more precisely, before coronavirus—is not an option, as far as Bell is concerned. "BCG believes that we have a responsibility to the planet," she said. "The topic is urgent and important for us to be credible with our employees and our clients."

A net-zero climate impact is a more ambitious target than the more established concept of carbon neutrality. Net-zero means attempting to remove one metric ton of CO2 from the atmosphere for every metric ton emitted, partly by planting trees but also by investment in nascent technologies for sequestration of carbon into soil and oceans. "They are expensive, they require investment, they require focus, but there are organizations working on them, and they are beginning to prove themselves," said Bell.

Given its pledge, failure to reduce travel-related emissions also would be expensive for BCG. The company has pledged to invest $35 per metric ton of its remaining emissions in 2025, rising to $80 per metric ton in 2030—much higher figures than the current voluntary carbon-offset market average of $3 to $6. Beyond 2030, BCG aims to be climate-positive, removing more CO2 than it emits.

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