Today GBTA’s Allied Leadership Council (ALC) announces the election of its new leaders for a two-year term:

  • Dorothy Dowling, Senior Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer, BWH Hotel Group, was elected to serve a concurrent second term as ALC President.
  • Tammy Routh, Senior Vice President, Global Sales Organization, Marriott International, was elected to serve as ALC Vice President.

“The Council has a critical role to ensure a strong, productive relationship between Allied members and GBTA, as well as to reinforce GBTA’s value to business travel suppliers. Dorothy and Tammy will be true drivers of that mission along with, and on behalf of, the ALC,” said Denise Truso, GBTA Board President.

As ALC President, Dowling will also sit on the GBTA Board of Directors and offer input and participate in voting on behalf of Allied members on all issues pertaining to the future direction of GBTA.

“All of us who invest our time and commitment into the ALC and GBTA have important work to do in the months and years ahead. It’s a privilege to be a part of such a talented, diverse and hard-working group of professionals,” said Dowling. “If I have learned anything in my 30-plus years working in business travel, it’s that we as a group can surmount any crisis. Through our shared creativity, passion and drive for excellence, I believe all segments of the travel ecosystem can emerge better and stronger than ever.”

The ALC is comprised of Allied companies that represent all sectors of travel, including a diverse group of individuals and companies. Following July’s main election of the new GBTA Board of Directors, the ALC was reconvened. ALC members were invited to join based on a consultation with Board President Truso, Board Vice President, Mark Cuschieri and GBTA CEO Suzanne Neufang along with input from GBTA staff and members.

The now 20-person ALC represents a mix of new and returning members. All 20 ALC members were invited to run for President and Vice President of the ALC and could self-nominate or be nominated by other ALC members. Voting took place the week of August 9.

The process aligned to recently amended bylaws whereby the ALC President and Vice President are to be elected by their peers every two years. The elected ALC President along with the ALC may add additional members with the approval of the GBTA President, as per the bylaws. The elected ALC President and elected Chapter Presidents Council (CPC) President also sit on the GBTA Board of Directors. The ALC automatically includes the four elected Allied At-Large board of director members (representing supplier companies) for the term of their Board seat.

>> See the full GBTA Allied Leadership Council here

About the Global Business Travel Association

The Global Business Travel Association (GBTA) is the world's premier business travel and meetings trade organization headquartered in the Washington, D.C. area serving stakeholders across six continents. GBTA and its 8,000+ members represent and advocate for the $1.48 trillion global business travel and meetings industry. GBTA and the GBTA Foundation deliver world-class education, events, research, advocacy, and media to a growing global network of more than 28,000 travel professionals and 125,000 active contacts. For more information, visit

About the GBTA Foundation

The mission of the GBTA Foundation, the US 501c3 charitable arm of GBTA, is to help the global business travel industry create a positive impact and a better future for people and the planet. The GBTA Foundation focuses on the strategy and execution of GBTA's global sustainability programs, supporting initiatives related to climate action; diversity, equity and inclusion; and other talent-related topics via education, research and advocacy. For more information, visit