“The Prosperous Hotelier” — Source: David Lund

As someone who writes about the hospitality industry for a living, David Lund’s financial perspective is invaluable in my ability to understand the nuances of hotel finance—clearly and concisely. David possesses the exceptional ability to write about complicated subject matter and convey it in a way that is simple and succinct to understand—for the tyro starting out or for the expert who needs a refresher.

"The Prosperous Hotelier” should be on the desk of every hotel GM and accessible to anyone interested in the financial success of a hotel asset which, when it comes down to it, is every employee. His writing breaks down esoteric financial concepts in a way that is easily digestible and, in the long run, will help a hotel, a hotel portfolio or a hotel company bolster their bottom lines. David Eisen, VP, Editor-In Chief, Hotels Magazine

Available on Amazon in paperback, hardcover or Kindle format: Purchase Now.

David Lund
The Hotel Financial Coach
+1 415 696 9593
David Lund