The “Platformication of the Hotel Technology Landscape”Hospitality Net along with Sabre Hospitality Solutions is proud to present a one-on-one interviewwith SVP and Global Managing Director – Commercial, Frank Trampert.The discussion will focus on the platformication of the hospitality industry and how leveraging this strategy will have a beneficial impact on today and tomorrow’s guest experience.Hoteliers are challenged to meet ever increasing expectations by customers who have been spoiled and educated by the retail industry. Customers now expect the same level of attention and detail. Historically however, hoteliers have been depending on a myriad of systems in order to get to the end result of delivering true guest engagement and an enhanced guest experience. In addition, new vendors and solutions are launching every day which raises the question, how do hoteliers cope? How do they prioritize? What should hoteliers be looking out for? And ultimately, how should they think about the future of travel, and what technology solution should they be looking for that lets them focus entirely on the guest?Register for a great 30-minute chat between Frank Trampert from Sabre and our Moderator, Alan Young of Puzzle Partner Ltd.