Quincy, MA | Passkey, the worldwide leader in online group reservations, today announced the launch of Group Campaigns™, the industry's first email campaign system designed specifically for groups, meetings and events. Group Campaigns is an innovative online technology that provides event destinations, managers and hotels an easy and effective way to communicate with their group attendees via email. It is available immediately to all Passkey licensed customers.

"We are thrilled with the release of Group Campaigns," said Bryan Gay, Executive Director of Sales at Mandalay Bay Hotel & Casino. "The ability to reach our attendees and customers through personalized broadcast email campaigns is invaluable. Passkey is constantly re-inventing the process and releasing practical features that ensure event success and help keep us ahead in an aggressive market."

With Group Campaigns, Passkey customers, including leading hotels, event destinations and meeting managers, can now communicate easily and consistently with their event attendees via professionally designed, pre-configured email campaigns. This not only raises the level of service offered to groups; importantly, it provides hotels and destinations an opportunity to capture greater incremental revenue from the sale of upgrades, extended stays and amenities.

Each group campaign is pre-configured for a specific purpose, and can be customized with company branding, content and messaging. With no limit to the number of campaigns that can be customized or sent, customers have complete freedom to pursue the level of service and marketing that meets their specific needs.

There are six types of pre-configured group campaigns:

  • Pre-Arrival: Send pre-arrival welcome message to incoming event attendees with hotel confirmation numbers, event and check-in information, as well as destination and hotel information.
  • Post-Stay: Send departing attendees a 'thank you' note with a survey, a special on their next stay, or an invitation to join a priority club. Turns group attendees into leisure customers.
  • Up-sell: Keep attendees informed on upgrades, hotel amenities or special packages, and showcase hotel and destination attractions.
  • Announce Event: Alert attendees that hotel booking is now open online, and provide them the link to book online to maximize block pick-up.
  • Quick Notification: Inform attendees of any last-minute changes or reminders. A catch-all for information that needs to be sent quickly to attendees.
  • Registered/Not Booked Housing: Alert attendees that have registered for the event but not yet booked their hotel. A great reminder to be sent out a week or two before the event cut-off date.

After a campaign has been sent out, customers can track its performance including the ability to monitor the number of emails sent, how many were opened as well as the links that were clicked on by recipients, helping customers fine-tune their messaging and communication strategy.

"Whether it is a family wedding or a major citywide convention, Group Campaigns offer hotels, destinations and meeting managers a convenient, professional and effective way to communicate with event attendees," notes Greg Pesik, president & CEO of Passkey. "This leads to enhanced service levels, higher customer retention and greater revenue opportunities. In short, a better overall group booking experience!"

About Passkey

Passkey () is the worldwide leader in online group reservations. The Boston-based technology company offers event planners and providers a powerful web-based solution for managing group hotel reservations. At the heart of Passkey is an innovative online booking engine that lets group attendees make their hotel reservations online in the contracted group block, while allowing event planners and hotels to access real-time reports, notifications and event information. Offered as an onDemand solution, Passkey delivers benchmark speed, security and scalability.

The Passkey-enabled global network includes over 85% of major U.S. Convention and Visitors Bureaus (CVBs), as well as thousands of hotels, trade associations, meeting planners and meeting management companies.

Lindsay Faria
Sr. Marketing Manager